Attention:  If You Edit a Lot of Data Files, Then You Can Save Hours of Time!  Discover How To...

"Easily Edit Large Amounts Of Your Web Documents In A Snap With Simple Point-And-Click Solution!"

Instantly Modify Thousands of Web Pages or Text Documents Without Opening Anything and In Minutes! 


From: Download PLR Products

Dear Friend,

When you've got hundreds or thousands of pages to manage, keeping them updated and relevant can be a challenge.  Accidentally make a typo and you're forced to slave away trying to fix them.

Your entire day is put on hold.  And hours of your time are thrown away.

As a result, website changes are often put on hold and this often causes you to lose-out profits you could be enjoying.

But, it doesn't have to be this.  Instead, you can easily...

Slash The Time It Takes To Edit Your Web Documents To Mere Minutes!

Let me introduce you to "Find and Replace."   This tool is useful for batch replacing data in files to help you edit documents in a snap.

It works in 4 easy steps:

  1. Enter the text you want to find.
  2. Enter the replacement text.
  3. Select the files you want text replaced in.
  4. When you're ready, click "Replace."

That's it!  You save countless hours of time!

Here's The Full Range of Benefits This Tool Provides:

  Locates text or information anywhere on your computer or web server at lightning speed.  Even if you have thousands of documents, you can sort through them fast to uncover what you're looking for!

 Ensures you don't lose any data while replacing text with optional backup feature.  Relax as you change thousands of your web pages!

  Automatically takes out any blank spaces that can prevent CGI scripts from functioning.  This ensures your editing is hassle-free!

  Edits any type of web document you want, including those in HTML, text, PHP, and ASP format!  This is the ultimate time-saving tool for any webmaster.

  Saves countless hours normally spent manually editing and updating your files.  Your sites are kept up-to-date and are reinvigorated with new life for more revenue!

  Select the files you want to edit with a few clicks of your mouse!  You don't have to open and modify thousands of web page by hand!

 Plus, much more!

User Guide

You're going to love the ease at which you now...

Transform Massive Efforts Into Click-Button Jobs!

Thousands of documents are instantly updated with fresh and accurate content with the command of your mouse! 

As a result, you save hours of time... and you're no longer held back from moving your business forward by once enormous jobs.

Best of all, it's affordable to get your copy.  At only $1, "Find and Replace" pays for itself with just a single hour or two of time it saves you. 

All you have to do for your copy to pay off moments from now is grab your copy below now!


Get Your Copy of "Find and Replace" Now For Only $1

You can download it right now -- even if it's 2:00 a.m.! 


Download PLR Products

P.S. There's nothing worse than having to sort through dozens, hundreds, or thousands of pages trying to update them.  Now, you just click a few buttons and you never have to open a large amount web documents again!

P.P.S.  If you have to manage a lot of web pages, then this tool comes in handy time after time when you need it most.  If you make a mistake or have outdated information, no problem.  You can update all of your web pages with your latest business information with a few clicks of your mouse!

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